Award-winning team with over seventy family law barristers practising across the UK
3PB is a highly respected family law chambers, with specialist family barristers advising and representing clients throughout the UK and overseas. Our family team, including trained mediators, those with part time judicial appointments, and King's Counsel, provide skilled advice and representation in all tiers of Court up to the Supreme Court.
We are known for our friendly professional approach and are recognised as experts in financial provision (divorce, cohabitation and death), child arrangements orders, property disputes, childcare / adoption, judicial review, professional negligence, regulatory matters, incapacity / Court of Protection welfare issues, international children’s issues and human rights.
The family law team acts for individuals, local authorities, care organisations and charities. The set boasts an outstanding reputation in both public and private law children work, including complicated care proceedings.
As a family chambers 3PB has an exceptional record in financial remedy cases, including business and farming assets, in partnership with 3PB’s specialist probate team including contentious probate. Details on 3PB’s probate specialists can be found here.
We are now able to offer a remote Private FDR (financial dispute resolution) Hearing using simple and secure technology. Find out more here.
We work hard to achieve the best possible result, whether through careful negotiation or contested trials, our preparation and excellent advocacy sets us apart.
Legal 500 lists 30 of the “exceptional” 3PB Family law team as Leading Juniors, with 3 leading Silks and 49 listings in total 3PB is acknowledged as an “go-to chambers for family work with a good range of practitioners from junior through to silks.”3PB is a "very professional, approachable and friendly set" and is described as a "strong set with breadth of knowledge and skills nationwide" “The set as a whole provides excellent service with a wealth of knowledge and high caliber barristers”’ As well as counsel being “very friendly and down to earth.” In 2021 the team achieved a record 21 rankings across its Children Law and Divorce and Financial Remedies specialisms. Chambers & Partners states that 3PB Barristers is a “well-regarded set with a formidable reputation is matrimonial finance and children’s cases, encompassing both public and private mandates.” 3PBs Family barristers are known for their “meticulous preparation, robust advocacy and unrivalled client care.” 3PB is a highly reputed set with eminent advocates appearing in matrimonial finance and children law cases. "The Barristers at 3PB are a formidable bunch, they are extremely strong and able to grasp complex issues quickly. They are able to deal with any issues in a sophisticated and compassionate manner." Matters of a sensitive nature, including sexual abuse, FGM issues, non-accidental injuries, parental alienation and international abduction, are regularly handled. Chambers and Partners states that “The whole 3PB clerking team have an excellent reputation. The ability of 3PB to manage matters in a professional and comprehensive manner is second to none.” The set is also well versed in financial proceedings, such as representing clients in cases with complex business and trust arrangements. The set is "one of the best from the point of view of quality of counsel, good service and good administration, the knowledge and experience of the barristers is extraordinary."
Team members are available to work out of any of our six offices in London, Birmingham, Bournemouth, Bristol, Oxford and Winchester; we also offer state-of-the-art technology for remote meetings.
The group's practice management team can be contacted by email here.
Our Family Barristers...
Family barrister Laura Buchan (2016 call), a busy private law children, financial remedies and TOLATA specialist, will join 3PB (3 Paper Buildings) on Tuesday 11 February. Laura is also renowned as a family law specialist in cases involving crypto-assets and contesting legal costs in divorce and other family financial disputes. Commended by clients in Legal 500 as "extremely analytical and "her attention to detail is second-to-none," Laura was described as a family law barrister who...
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Matiss Krumins success as Supreme Court dismisses father's habeas corpus bid to challenge care order
3PB family barrister Matiss Krumins (pictured here), who specialises in public law children proceedings and judicial review, represented the local authority before the Supreme Court following the father’s appeal in his application for habeas corpus; and today saw judgement handed down in the case of The Father v Worcestershire County Council [2025] UKSC 1. In summary, the father's application for a writ of habeas corpus was dismissed by both the Supreme Court and the Court...
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3PB are delighted to announce that family law barristers Stephen Wildblood KC and Nicola Frost have both qualified as Family Law Arbitrators under the Financial Remedy Scheme. Both become members of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (MCIArb) and are now members of the specialist panel of family law arbitrators, managed by Resolution on behalf of the Institute of Family Law Arbitrators (“IFLA”). Stephen Wildblood KC (1980 call) practised as a specialist family barrister for 27...
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3PB Barristers’ (3 Paper Buildings) specialist family law barrister Gemma Chapman, has written for Family Law Journal on the training currently available for professionals on how to preserve the integrity of a young person’s account of abuse. In her article, “Persistent failure to protect the child’s narrative – time for change?”, Gemma discusses how, despite long established guidance and authorities on the subject, oftentimes a young person’s account of abuse is captured in a manner...
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3PB's family law barristers Dorian Day and Samantha Smith appeared in today's landmark Court of Appeal case that has ruled that there is no inherent jurisdiction to revoke adoption orders. Judgement in the case of Re X and Y (Children: Adoption Order: Setting Aside) has brought clarity to the law, but will be cold comfort to many families seeking a legal remedy following the permanent breakdown of an adoption. The case concerned two teenage girls...
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3PB’s family barrister Andrew Duncan, pictured here, recently acted as sole counsel in a pro bono appeal in Re C (A Child) (Change of Given Name) [2024] EWCA Civ 1582, successfully overturning a Circuit Judge's decision that dismissed a non-binary child’s application to change their forename. Andrew was instructed by Chris Bell of PS Law, a niche law firm with offices in Milton Keynes and Northampton. The Court of Appeal, in allowing the appeal and...
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3PB’s chancery and property barrister Rachel Bale delivered a webinar for LexisNexis on the end of year roundup in Family Law, with a specific focus on Financial Remedies. The webinar addressed the use of non-court dispute resolution, the courts' approach to conduct and costs, clarity on the concept of Matrimonalisation, and an update on pensions. To watch a preview, or the full webinar (subject to subscription), please visit here If you would be interested in...
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Imogen Robins MCIarb has re-joined 3PB (3 Paper Buildings) from Pump Court Chambers where she has practised since joining them in 2016. A distinguished family law specialist renowned for her expertise in family finance, Imogen has an exceptional success record in advising high-net-worth (HNW) divorcing couples. Her practice centres on handling complex financial cases which include inherited wealth, property portfolios, family businesses, significant pensions, trusts, and pre-nuptial agreements. Instructed in cases under Schedule 1 of...
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3PB specialist property & housing law barrister, Oliver Nunn, delivered two guest lectures to several hundred Land Law undergraduate students at the University of Leicester, on 28 November 2024. The lectures delivered were on a topic of how the law, both as it currently stands and in reform proposals contained in the Renters Rights Bill tries to balance the competing interests between landlords and tenants, in claims for possession of privately rented residential property, so...
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3PB Barristers (3 Paper Buildings) is delighted to announce that family barrister Hannah Bush will officially be appointed as a District Judge from next Monday 18th November 2024. District Judge Bush will sit on the Midlands Circuit and be based at the Birmingham Combined Court Centre. Hannah was called to the Bar in 2007 and was appointed as a Deputy District Judge and a fee-paid First Tier Tribunal Judge in May 2020. Teaching advocacy part-time...
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3PB are pleased to announce that barristers Alice Horn, Jack Felvus and Laurie-Elizabeth Ketley (pictured here, left to right) have successfully completed their twelve-month pupillages and become members of the 250-barrister, national chambers. Former Prince of Wales and David Karmel Scholar Alice Horn (call:2022) joins following a ten-year career in industry internationally. Alice is a much-in-demand barrister with significant experience in both County Court and High Court matters and specialises in commercial litigation, adjudication and...
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3PB Barristers’ Family Law team has achieved 27 individual rankings (+5 compared with 2024) in this year’s Chambers and Partners edition published today. 23 of our family law barristers are ranked across 5 Circuits: in London, the Midlands, North Eastern, South Eastern and Western. While our team is once again rewarded with Band 1 rankings for both Family Children and Family Finance in the Midlands and retains its Band 2 ranking in Western, our family...
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3PB Family's Third Annual Private Law Children and Financial Remedies Conference
Date: Thursday 10th Apr 2025 Time: 8:45 am - 4:45 pm Venue: The ICC 8 Centenary Square, Birmingham, B1 2EA 3PB's Family Law Group invite you to our third annual full-day Private Law Children & Financial Remedies Conference on Thursday 10th April 2025 at The ICC, Centenary Square, Birmingham. We are pleased to announce our keynote speaker is Mrs Justice Lieven, Justice of the High Court of England and Wales assigned to the Family Division. We are also joined by His Honour Judge Rowland. Other presentations during the day will come from members of the…
3PB Family Law Brunch - Thursday 27 February at 11am on Zoom
Date: Thursday 27th Feb 2025 Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Venue: On Zoom The 3PB family law team invites you to our next family law brunch on Thursday 27 February at 11am for one hour, hosted by 3PB barristers Louise Worton and Antonida Kocharova. Louise Worton will present 'The decision-making factors in Schedule 1 applications'. Antonida Kocharova will consider 'Forgery and Lies in Divorce: Practical Tips'. We would be delighted to see you on Zoom. Please register above so that we know we have enough Zoom spaces available.
Chambers 2025 - Western Bar
3PB Barristers has a well-recognised family and matrimonial practice that takes in both children and finance work. Its barristers routinely undertake children law mandates involving sexual and domestic abuse and non-accidental injury, and also handle relocation and adoption matters ‒ often before the High Court. Members also receive instructions in complex financial disputes. One source comments: "3PB Barristers has a breadth of experience in children cases unrivalled in the area." Another adds: "The set has a range of counsel of differing experience that can assist with all types of matrimonial finance matters.
Client service:
"All the clerks have always given top-level service. They are open and communicative and go the extra mile to help match clients to barristers."
"The clerks at 3PB Barristers cannot be faulted. They will always attempt to accommodate a request via a prompt response or provide alternate options."
"The clerks are very good - in particular, Sarah Jenkin, practice manager, and Rob Leonard, senior clerk. Nothing is too much trouble and calls are returned promptly."
"Jess Street, practice manager, is excellent at coming back with suitable options."
Chambers 2025 - Midlands - Band 1
Birmingham-based 3PB Barristers is a well-regarded set with a formidable reputation in matrimonial finance and children cases, encompassing both public and private mandates. Its members act for private individuals and local authorities in children matters concerning non-accidental injuries, sexual abuse, religious indoctrination, parental alienation and placement orders. Practitioners offer expertise in a range of matrimonial finance mandates, including financial remedies featuring complex portfolios and cross-border assets. One source says of the set that "its barristers offer not only a wealth of knowledge and expertise in each field, but on a personal level are compassionate, driven and easy to work with."
Client service:
"The clerks go over and above and always seem to do what they can to accommodate."
"Practice manager Ian Charlton is friendly, eager to please and will always go the extra mile."
"The clerks are always striving to ensure that our clients are able to have the representation they want."
"The best clerks across the board. Nothing is ever too much and they will always go the extra mile. They are incredibly helpful and friendly to work with."
Legal 500 2025 - Midlands - Tier 1
3PB continues to be recognised as an ‘impressively strong set’ for family law work in the Midlands. The ‘Calm, robust and effective’
3PB maintains its reputation as the premier divorce and financial remedy set in the Midlands region.
Chambers UK 2022 - Midlands
3PB Barristers is a well-regarded set with a formidable reputation in matrimonial finance and children cases, encompassing both public and private mandates. Its members act for private individuals and local authorities in children matters concerning non-accidental injuries, sexual abuse, religious indoctrination, parental alienation and placement orders. Practitioners offer expertise in a range of matrimonial finance mandates, including financial remedies featuring complex portfolios and cross-border assets, in addition to culturally sensitive matters involving Shari'a law and dowries. A source notes that "you are offered a personal and prioritised service" at 3PB.
Client service:
"Practice director Ian Charlton is a well-known and respected clerk, often going above and beyond to assist in any way that he can." "The clerks offer the barrister they believe is genuinely right for the case." "The clerks are always helpful, polite and willing to assist." Robert Leonard and Ian Charlton are the family practice directors.
Chambers UK 2022 - Western Bar
3PB has a well-recognised family and matrimonial practice which takes in both children and finance work. Its barristers routinely undertake children law mandates involving sexual and domestic abuse and non-accidental injury, and also handle relocation and adoption matters often before the High Court. Members also receive instructions in complex financial disputes. One source reports: "The set has great depth of counsel and so there is always someone available with the right skills and experience. All the counsel provide excellent client care."
Client service:
"They are the most approachable clerking team I have ever worked with and hugely helpful with regard to communications and management of papers and arrangements." "They have a very efficient clerking team. Always on the ball and never let you down." Robert Leonard and Ian Charlton are the family practice directors.
Legal 500 2022
‘3PB is a spectacular set of chambers with so much strength and depth.’
‘Very good set for family law, with some very experienced counsel. A number of training programmes have been provided and these are always very engaging and informative.’
‘The set exudes calm, personable professionalism. Second to none training and CPD programs for solicitors.’
'3PB's members have solid expertise across the range of family law matters'
‘A highly professional set‘.
‘A good set of chambers for care proceedings‘.
‘A good, solid set‘.
‘The quality of counsel at all levels is always excellent‘.
Chambers UK 2021- Midlands Circuit
3PB Barristers is a highly reputed set with eminent advocates appearing in matrimonial finance and children law cases. Many of its practitioners offer valuable expertise in both public and private law matters. Matters of a sensitive nature, including sexual abuse, FGM issues, non-accidental injuries, parental alienation and international abduction, are regularly handled. The set is well versed in financial proceedings, such as representing clients in cases with complex business and trust arrangements. The set is described as "one of the best from the point of view of quality of counsel, good service and good administration."
Client service: "The knowledge and experience of the barristers with the support of their clerking team is extraordinary." "The clerks are excellent and trustworthy in their recommendations." "The clerking at 3PB is excellent. The clerks are efficient and proactive. They work well as a team and give second-to-none customer service." Robert Leonard and Ian Charlton are the family practice directors.
Chambers UK 2021 - Western Circuit
3PB has a well-recognised family and matrimonial practice that takes in both children and finance work. Its barristers routinely undertake children law mandates involving sexual and domestic abuse and non-accidental injury, and also handle relocation and adoption matters often before the High Court. Members also receive instructions in complex financial disputes. Sources laud the barristers' "integrity, approachability and high quality of advice and advocacy." One interviewee says: "It is a well-respected, organised set of chambers and its barristers all complement each other very well."
Client service: "The set is a very efficient and well-oiled machine in how it operates. The clerks are always warm and friendly and work hard to manage diaries and provide counsel to suit instructing solicitors' needs, whatever the case." "They are very responsive and always willing to go the extra mile in terms of finding counsel in urgent situations."
Legal 500 2021
"a family team with ‘high-calibre barristers’"
Legal 500 2021 - Midlands
3PB is primarily known in the Midlands for its contingent of care-focused barristers, whose practice involves serious non accidental injuries, sexual abuse allegations, adoption orders and more for the full range of parties including local authorities, parents and children. However, the set also houses several barristers with experience in financial remedy proceedings.
Legal 500 2021
"Members of 3PB receive instructions from family members, local authorities, deputies, protected parties as well as the Official Solicitor, with areas of expertise including deputyship order matters, deprivation of liberty applications and broader mental capacity issues. In particular, the set has been 'traditionally focused on community care through judicial review, however the addition of Matthew Wyard to the team has given real fire power to their Court of Protection offering in Wales.'"
Legal 500 2021 - South Eastern
"The set, whose members are instructed by both well-respected private client and Legal Aid firms alike, has 'great depth of knowledge and a greater ability to cover matters around the country'. "
Legal 500 2020
Legal 500 UK Bar Directory 2020 - Midlands circuit says: 3PB is rapidly developing its presence on circuit, with some viewing it as 'a go-to set for family finance work'. Members are also instructed on complex public law proceedings involving non-accidental injuries, care arrangements, and fabricated or induced illnesses, as well as private law proceedings dealing with contact, alienation, and relocation. 3PB (Birmingham) is ranked Tier 3.
Legal 500 UK Bar Directory 2020 - South Eastern circuit says: 3PB is praised for its ability to 'meet a variety of client needs from the basic to the complex' and its 'very knowledgeable' members. Nicola Martin is instructed on both financial remedy claims and children act cases, with a particular specialism in applications for international relocation, while James Legg is particularly notable for his work in public law children cases.
Legal 500 UK Bar Directory 2020 - Western circuit says: 3PB has 'exceptional depth in family law', and is praised by clients as 'an exceptional set' which 'overshadows its peers'. The set is home to members who specialise in all areas of family law, including complex care proceedings and high-value financial disputes. Hamish Dunlop, as junior to Nigel Dyer QC, represented the husband in Supreme Court Case Owens v Owens, which considered the legal requirements for divorce without spousal consent.
Legal 500 2020
A family team with ‘high-calibre barristers’.
In Birmingham, practice director Ian Charlton is ‘the warmest, most caring clerk – he will do everything possible to help solicitors find appropriate counsel’.
Practice director Robert Leonard ‘runs a tight ship and will always bend over backwards when solicitors need counsel at short notice’.
"The combined clerks’ room across the set’s six offices is a ‘well-oiled machine’."
Chambers UK 2020 - Midlands Circuit
3PB Barristers has built a notable presence in the Midlands, advising across the full spectrum of family and matrimonial law. Their barristers provide comprehensive advice on private law matters, including issues involving parental alienation and residency, as well as counsel on obtaining non-molestation orders. The set also houses public law specialists who act in cases regarding the death of a child, fabricated illness and sexual abuse, including those involving complex medical evidence and issues of human rights. Its members also provide comprehensive experience across matrimonial finance disputes, regularly acting in cases involving multi-jurisdictional proceedings and assets.
Client service: "In the professionalism of their clerking and the range of counsel available, I have never failed to be impressed by 3PB." "They are well organised and forward-thinking." "My overall impression is excellent, from clerks to counsel and everything in between. They have fantastic teamwork." Robert Leonard and Ian Charlton are family practice directors.
Chambers UK 2020 - Western Circuit
3PB houses a strong family law team whose experience spans all aspects of the market. Barristers at this set have particular expertise in Court of Protection matters, and frequently work with vulnerable clients. The set also takes on financial disputes, with members appearing at all levels of the judicial system. The last year has seen the group grow even further, with three new barristers added to the family team. "They are certainly my first choice for chambers when I am looking to instruct counsel, "confirms one source, while another highlights their "good range of expertise, which you need to be able to function well."
Client service: The clerking team is lead by Mark Heath. "The clerks are very helpful and are always willing to go the extra mile to help." "I have a very high opinion of the whole set. The clerks are always friendly and helpful."
Chambers UK 2019
3PB has a substantial team of family law barristers specialising in matrimonial finance as well as public and private law children matters. Members provide parents, guardians, local authorities and other clients with representation in litigation and ADR proceedings, including cases with international components. Their instructions touch on a vast array of topics including TOLATA, abuse, injury, addiction and mental health. Barristers at the set are effective at obtaining and resisting court injunctions such as freezing orders and non-molestation orders. A source affirms that 3PB has "a good range of experience" and that the counsel are "of very good quality."
Chambers UK 2019
Client service: "The clerks are helpful and efficient and have a can-do attitude." "I have always had a very good and reliable service from 3PB."
Legal 500 2018/19
"3PB's team has expertise across a broad range of family matters, including matrimonial finance, international child abduction and relocation, as well as cases of fabricated and induced illnesses. Vanessa Meachin took silk in 2018. This is an "excellent set" with the family team being 'very strong on both financial specialists and child law specialists'.
Key areas of instruction include matrimonial finance, child abduction, non-accidental injuries, domestic and sexual abuse cases and care and placement applications, among others. In a major highlight for the set, Hamish Dunlop appeared in the Supreme Court in the high-profile Owens v Owens divorce case; the key issue is whether the current divorce laws should be reformed to allow no-fault divorce. In June 2018 Simon Lillington joined from College Chambers.
Chambers UK 2018
3PB Barristers is noted in the region for its expertise dealing with family matters at all levels of courts. Members regularly represent authorities, parents and guardians in public law cases involving matters such as non-accidental injuries, domestic abuse and mental health issues. The set is also acknowledged for its strength in matrimonial financial cases, including cases arising from divorce or the separation of unmarried couples. Private children law is also part of the regular practice. One instructing solicitor reports: "3PB are the most efficient, friendly and professional set that I have worked with, and this includes the clerks as well as the barristers themselves."
Chambers UK 2018
Client service: "3PB is a well-renowned set covering all areas of family law. Their clerks are helpful and friendly, and I have not had any criticisms of them." "The clerks are very professional and all try to help."
Legal 500 2017
“You always get a great service from [the family team at] this set.”
Legal 500 2017
The family law counsel at 3PB are ‘always the right choice’. The set is able to handle the full range of family and children law matters including family finance, property-related disputes, and private and public law children cases.
Chambers UK 2017
3PB Barristers enjoys a strengthening reputation in the area of family law, and fields an experienced group with a history of acting for clients in a wide range of matters. Members are engaged on significant public and private children law cases and the set also offers a dedicated family financial and property team. In addition to its litigation prowess, 3PB is also skilled at taking clients through the process of ADR.
Chambers UK 2017
The clerks are always ready and willing to help." "If there is anything that concerns me, I know I can bring it to the clerks' attention and it is dealt with discreetly and efficiently.
Legal 500 2017
The ‘very approachable team’ at 3PB, which is one of the largest on circuit. The set deals with the full range of cases and has a growing Court of Protection practice.
very accommodating and friendlyLegal 500