Grant Keyes 5

Grant Keyes

Year of Call: 2007
Email Address: [email protected]
Telephone: 0121 289 4333

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Grant Keyes is a private and public law children barrister and expert. In public law proceedings, Grant has extensive experience of acting for parents, children’s
guardians and interveners in cases that involve complex issues of NAI, physical, sexual and emotional abuse (including parental alienation). Grant is regularly instructed in complex fact-finding cases involving non-accidental injuries both in the County Court and the High Court. He regularly acts for clients with learning or mental health difficulties, including those represented through the Official Solicitor.

In private law proceedings, Grant is highly skilled in dealing with Section 8 Children Act 1989 applications, including complex cases involving allegations of sexual abuse and domestic violence and has particular expertise in complex and entrenched cases between parents.

Grant has a reputation for his high level of advocacy, demonstrating his forensic ability to find the ‘needle in the haystack’ and to always fight for his client. He is truly client focused and robust in his approach, whilst remaining calm in the ‘eye of the storm’.

He cares deeply about his clients and will do what is right whilst always being professional providing advice in a straightforward and direct style.

Recent reported cases 

A Local Authority and MF and F and the child (via their guardian) [2024] EWFC 238 (B)

Re "Tim" (Fact-finding Care Proceedings) [2024] EWFC 194 (B)

H-W [2023] EWCA Civ 149: ongoing involvement in the case which was voted Family Law Awards' Case of the Year in 2022.

Re X, T, A, E &S [2020] EWCA Civ 1680 (Court of Appeal): NAI Fact Finding where judge had erred in his approach. Held that it was not open to the judge to find that T self-harmed as a result of the conduct of the parents.

Re S [2020] EWCA Civ 1382 (Court of Appeal): Judge found to had erred in his approach to, and analysis of, the medical evidence and findings of fact relating to a serious head injury suffered by the child.

Re H-B-S [2020] EWCA Civ 1027 (Court of Appeal): Judge had been wrong to discharge interim care orders in the middle of a fact finding.

Re AB, CD, XB & YD [2020] EWFC 15 (High Court): Fabricated illness and sexual abuse case with a Finding of Fact and client exonerated.

Re T (A Child) sub nom OCC v (1) A (Mother) (2) B (Father) (3) T (BY Guardian) (4 & 5) C & D (Paternal Aunt & Uncle) (2017): Successful challenge to foster carers to adopt with child returned to the family.

Re P (a child) NCC v (1) LC (2) GA (3) P (a child) (2015): A placement order was made where a two-year old boy’s needs could not be met by either of his parents, who had abused drugs and exposed him to a chaotic lifestyle. Long-term fostering did not have the same level of security.

Notable cases (unreported)

Re L & T-L 2022: Complex Fact-Finding case including allegations of rape and sexual abuse. Represented challenging client (Father) who did not trust professionals. No findings found in relation to rape and sexual abuse and returned to the family home, despite opposition from the local authority

Re S 2019: Complex Fact-Finding case where allegations of sexually abused the children. The very experienced Circuit Judge stated that this is the most difficult case she has ever had to make a judgment on as it involved the future risk of harm of a child that had been in Mother care throughout the proceedings with no issues but sanctioned removal

Re S [2015]: Non-accidental injury (fracture) to a 6 month old baby, representing Father and after a 6 day fact-finding and final hearing the family was reunited as a family unit, with the baby returning home.

Re A [2015]: Non-accidental injury to a young child (baby shaking) where the client was exonerated from the pool of perpetrators, and two of the children moved to her full time care.

Re C [2015]: Rape and sexual assault of teenager, representing Father in a complex case where there were 8 advocates, including 2 Guardians and involving a 13 day fact finding and final hearing where the children were returned to family members.

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