The team can assist in all areas that concern family finance from the straight forward division of marital assets to the complex dissemination of family owned assets on divorce (including overseas dynastic family trusts, family businesses, third party owned assets and international assets).
What sets the team apart from other family barristers is, firstly, our friendly, warm, client based approach; and secondly, our team consists of barristers who practise in criminal law and are able to assist in cases involving the police or CPS (such as where assets are subject of restraint orders or one party is subject to criminal proceedings).
The team covers the full spectrum of matters relating to the breakdown of a relationship, or married and unmarried couples and those in same sex civil partnerships. We also represent third party interests in the financial proceedings (including the CPS). The team can assist in arbitration, mediation, court proceedings or advice generally.
We have a proven track record in acting in family disputes involving high net worth and international individuals, disputes involving offshore assets, family trusts, complex tax structures, private and publicly listed companies, limited liability partnerships, landed estates, inherited and pre-acquired assets, and pre-marital agreements.
Financial Provision following divorce issues:
- Multiple Businesses
- Schedule 1 claims
- Trusts
- Pensions
- Concealment of assets
- Inherited Wealth
- Interveners
- Variation
- Enforcement
- Freezing Orders
- Search orders
- Farming
- Contested Divorce
- Inheritance Act
- Professional Negligence in context of Financial Provision
Remote Access FDR (Financial Dispute Resolution) Court Room service
3PB's team of 27 specialist financial remedies specialists is now offering Remote Access FDR (Financial Dispute Resolution) Court Room service for its solicitors and lay clients so that financial solutions can be found for those going through a divorce.
This four-minute video explains how it works.
Full details can be found here.
Independent settlement solutions by 3PB’s specialist Finance Team
The family court process has become more streamlined and many cases are now resolved with fewer hearings, the most pivotal of which is the FDR (Financial Dispute Resolution) hearing. This hearing provides both guidance for future conduct of the case and opportunity to advance/settle matters where appropriate. The success rate at these hearings is good so demand is therefore high.
Advantages of the service
The family team at 3PB are pleased to offer a service which is designed to work in tandem with this system. Our experts can now offer Early Neutral Evaluation which is a private form of FDR hearing, held either in chambers or a venue of your choosing.
The many benefits include:
- Cost effectiveness
- Limited delay
- Greater flexibility with dates
- Private FDRs can be conducted at any stage during the court process
- Choice of venues to suit all parties
- Unlimited range of issues which can be dealt with at once.
The scheme we offer is voluntary and is designed as a bespoke enhancement to the court process (it also potentially saves time for the Court).
How it works
The actual process of the private FDR is almost identical to the current court process. At the initial FDA (First Directions Appointment) the parties indicate their intention to attend a private FDR. The court will be asked to list the case for a 1 hour Directions Appointment after the private FDR so that the court can either approve the agreement or give final directions for hearing.
What this means for each party is that the papers in each individual case are considered prior to the hearing, with each person having representation by a lawyer if they wish. Anything discussed during the meeting will be without prejudice so cannot be referred to at future hearings. Without prejudice correspondence will also be considered at this stage. Guidance is given as to the likely range of outcomes, potential strengths and weaknesses of each case as viewed on the day and how the parties can move forward and settle their case.
If settlement is achieved, Heads of Agreement are drawn up and at the later Directions Appointment the court is asked to approve a consent order, which will be binding on both parties in the usual way.
This private mediation scheme is proving hugely successful in UK courts. The advantage over the court process is that each individual case is the only one considered on that day, giving each party the time and space needed to consider all the points at what is often a difficult and stressful time. It is also likely that a more speedy hearing date will be agreed rather than the usual listings in some London courts. 3PB has six UK offices so can offer a suitable venue for meetings or can travel to any venue to suit our client.
For an informal and confidential discussion on how 3PB’s Finance Team can assist, contact Rob Leonard or Ian Charlton on 0330 332 2633.
Family Arbitration
3PB offer family arbitration as part our modern case resolution options. For clients seeking to avoid the delays and standardization of the usual court process family arbitration offers binding decisions in a more bespoke fashion.
For full details of the scheme itself please click here. For information regarding our arbitrators please speak to Rob Leonard or Ian Charlton on 0330 332 2633.
For further information about estimated fees please visit this page.
Our Family Barristers...
Family barrister Laura Buchan (2016 call), a busy private law children, financial remedies and TOLATA specialist, will join 3PB (3 Paper Buildings) on Tuesday 11 February. Laura is also renowned as a family law specialist in cases involving crypto-assets and contesting legal costs in divorce and other family financial disputes. Commended by clients in Legal 500 as "extremely analytical and "her attention to detail is second-to-none," Laura was described as a family law barrister who...
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Imogen Robins MCIarb has re-joined 3PB (3 Paper Buildings) from Pump Court Chambers where she has practised since joining them in 2016. A distinguished family law specialist renowned for her expertise in family finance, Imogen has an exceptional success record in advising high-net-worth (HNW) divorcing couples. Her practice centres on handling complex financial cases which include inherited wealth, property portfolios, family businesses, significant pensions, trusts, and pre-nuptial agreements. Instructed in cases under Schedule 1 of...
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3PB are delighted to announce that family and education law barrister Aimee Fox has qualified as a Financial Remedy Law Arbitrator, able to hear divorce and family finance cases. She becomes a member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (MCIArb) and a member of the specialist panel of family law arbitrators, managed by Resolution on behalf of the Institute of Family Law Arbitrators (“IFLA”). Aimee has an established practice specialising in financial remedies and private...
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3PB's family law barrister Stephen Wildblood KC is one of six well-known divorce and financial remedies lawyers at a free webinar about the new FPR provisions on NCDR, hosted by Financial Remedies Journal (FRJ). This latest free FRJ webinar, "The new FPR provisions on NCDR. Fresh carrot, Bigger stick (but no mandation)" is available to watch tomorrow, Friday 16 February 2024, from 1pm to 2pm. The Designated Family Judge for Bristol and the surrounding counties...
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SE-Solicitors, with offices located in the heart of England in Banbury, Bicester and Brackley have been announced as a finalist for The Family Innovator Award in recognition of their new service called Divorce Together™. The British Family Law Awards celebrates excellence in the profession, bringing the family law community together for its biggest night of the year. The Family Law Awards recognises the important, valuable work of family lawyers across the country, and commemorates their...
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His Honour Stephen Wildblood KC, who retired as a Circuit Judge on Tuesday 21st November, has announced that he is joining national chambers 3PB (3 Paper Buildings) with immediate effect as an associate tenant. Stephen will be accepting appointments as a Private FDR Judge and, in relation to finances and children, as a mediator and early neutral evaluator. He is also intending to qualify as family law arbitrator in the immediate future. He will continue...
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3PB family and private client barrister Luke Nelson (pictured here) successfully appealed an earlier judgment in financial remedy proceedings. Luke's client was the intervenor: the beneficiary of a charging order arising out of a personal injury award due to historical sexual abuse by her uncle, the husband in the present proceedings. He is now serving a custodial sentence for her rape. The appeal was heard in Birmingham before HHJ Ingram, and Luke was instructed by...
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National chambers 3PB (3 Paper Buildings) continue their Birmingham expansion with the recruitment of senior family finance barrister Roger Thomas from St Ives Chambers in Birmingham. Roger Thomas is a busy family barrister who has been representing litigants in financial remedy cases for nearly 25 years in disputes under the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973, the Civil Partnership Act 2004 and cohabiting couples under the Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996. A financial...
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3PB (3 Paper Buildings) family barrister Eleanor Marsh (pictured here) has written a brief guide to delays in court proceedings and whether these are creating a new ‘status quo’ for children and the impact of such delays upon the welfare decisions made at final hearing. This article in the Family Law Journal, published this month, takes a look specifically at s 1(3)(c) of the Children Act 1989: the likely effect on the child of any...
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3PB’s specialist family and education law barrister Aimee Fox (pictured here), alongside law firm Anthony Collins’ associate solicitor Kadie Bennett, have co-authored a briefing in Education Law Monitor focusing on considerations for parents of children with SEN when resolving financial matters in court resulting from separation. According to the latest figures from Statista, 2020 saw 103,592 divorces granted in England and Wales. Separation for parents of children with SEND can present additional complications and worries....
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3 Paper Buildings (3PB) is delighted to welcome family barrister Komal Patel [2016 call] from Senate House Chambers in Northampton, who earlier had established a successful practice on the South-East Circuit. Komal Patel, pictured here, has a busy practice in family disputes (private and public law children), often involving complex facts and serious allegations of domestic abuse, and also has a strong practice focused on matrimonial finance. She has an interest in cases involving mental...
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Family law barrister Harriet Lavis, pictured here, has moved to 3PB (3 Paper Buildings) from Guildford Chambers where she has been since completing her pupillage with the set. A former paralegal with Bevan Brittan, Harriet spent over a year on secondment at the Department of Health and is now a private law children and family financial disputes expert. Harriet already has a strong family law practice focused on private law children, family finance disputes, domestic...
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3PB Family's Third Annual Private Law Children and Financial Remedies Conference
Date: Thursday 10th Apr 2025 Time: 8:45 am - 4:45 pm Venue: The ICC 8 Centenary Square, Birmingham, B1 2EA 3PB's Family Law Group invite you to our third annual full-day Private Law Children & Financial Remedies Conference on Thursday 10th April 2025 at The ICC, Centenary Square, Birmingham. We are pleased to announce our keynote speaker is Mrs Justice Lieven, Justice of the High Court of England and Wales assigned to the Family Division. We are also joined by His Honour Judge Rowland. Other presentations during the day will come from members of the…
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