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Ashley Blood-Halvorsen

Year of Call: 2017
Email Address: [email protected]
Telephone: 0121 289 4333

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Much of Ashley’s practice overlaps family matters and probate disputes. She regularly advises on TOLATA matters and has appeared in applications to annul bankruptcy order in the context of marital breakdowns.

Co-ownership and Trusts of Land

Ashley appears in Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996 (TOLATA) claims. She has experience of occupation rent claims and where there has been a failure to pay the mortgage by one party. She also has experience of where on party alleges that they were engaged so to rely on the Matrimonial Proceedings and Property Act 1970 this can involve issues around non-qualifying ceremonies.

She acts for parties in mediation and alternative dispute resolution.

Cases include:

M v M

Dispute between a father and son regarding various properties, promissory estoppel, and constructive trusts with an international element. The matter started as a small claim and was transferred to the multi-track. Proceedings were settled after Ashley drafted a Reply to the Amended Defence.


Dispute between former cohabiting couple and whether or not there was a common intention constructive trust.


Dispute between a former couple which included significant analysis of financial statements, taking of an account and occupation rent.


Dispute between former cohabitating couple where it was alleged that there was an engagement which was denied. There was an argument about whether a ‘garden office’ constituted a substantial improvement to the property.

JF v MR and KR

An ongoing case involving an express declaration of trust between a mother and son with the former girlfriend. Arguments surrounding running an equitable account before the relationship breakdown to take into account significant unmet contributions made by one party.

Matrimonial Finance

Ashley accepts instructions for FDAs and FDRs. She has a particular interest in proceedings involving inherited wealth upon divorce. Her insolvency experience includes applications to annul bankruptcy orders in the context of financial remedies.

She is particularly instructed by Intervenors when there is a dispute about the beneficial interest in real property and or trusts.

Cases include:

ML v CL and The Official Receiver 

Represented the Husband in an application made by Wife to annul Husband’s bankruptcy. The Wife alleged the Husband made himself bankrupt to frustrate matrimonial finance proceedings. Arguments over whether the Husband was cash flow insolvent and the significance of a Capital Gains Tax liability.


Represented the Husband at interim hearings regarding an application by a third party to intervene in the matrimonial finance proceedings who was resident in Zimbabwe. Successfully represented Husband at the final hearing. Issues concerning the authenticity of a purported deed of trust, beneficial interest in the former matrimonial home and sharing of the other matrimonial property. Matter was settled on the first day of the final hearing.

SD v KD and SN

Represented the proposed intervener at a Financial Dispute Resolution hearing. Husband claims he has a beneficial interest in the Intervenor’s property based on claiming monies used for the purchase were not a gift. Ashley continues to represent the Intervenor.

SN v PN and SK

Represented the Husband at a First Directions Appointment. Identified that there was an arguable case for the Husband’s mother to intervene in the matrimonial finance proceedings on the basis she has a beneficial interest in real property obtained by the couple before they were married. Ashley continues to represent the Husband.


  • Recommendations

    “It has been great to co work with Ashley on a very complex and contentious case. I cannot recommend her enough for her technical knowledge and skill. I was even more impressed with Ashley’s attitude to the case and that she was just as passionate, as I am, in order to get the best result for my client. My client and I felt the case was safe in her hands and I will definitely be briefing her again in the near future.”

    Richard Port MBE, ​George Green LLP

    “Thanks very much for the advice.  Please pass on my thanks to counsel – prompt, straight to the point, clear and professionally done.”

    Oxfordshire Solicitor

    "I do not have Ashley’s contact details, but could you express my thanks to her? I did so after the court hearing, but she did so well and was so friendly beforehand when we discussed the relevant details that I would like again to express my appreciation of her work."


    “A quick message to say thank you again for your thorough preparation and representation today. Count on getting instructions again. I find you listen to explanations, take on board background information, and good to get along with.”

    Bruce Turner, Chapman & Chubb

    “I really enjoyed working with you last week - you are clearly skilled in achieving that necessary balance between legal argument and pragmatism. I hope we’ll have another opportunity before too long.”

    Senior Mediator

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