Jomathan GAYDON 560x670

Jonathan Gaydon

Year of Call: 2013
Email Address: [email protected]
CJSM: [email protected]
Telephone: 020 7583 8055

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Clerks Details

  • Clerk Name: Edward Holdstock
  • Clerk Telephone: 01962 868884
  • Clerk Email: [email protected]
  • Clerk Name: Jordon Gallifant
  • Clerk Telephone: 020 7583 8055
  • Clerk Email: [email protected]


Jonathan provides representation to local authorities, bereaved families and other interested persons at inquests. He is able to provide ongoing advice and advocacy in any civil claim arising from fatalities. Jonathan has considerable experience of inquests involving complex medical issues, sensitive circumstances and the questioning of expert witnesses.

Jonathan’s experience includes:

  • Hospital deaths
  • Suicides
  • Article 2 inquests
  • Emergency services attendance
  • Road traffic deaths

Recent inquests include:

  • Re J: Representing the local authority (adult safeguarding) in an inquest touching the tragic drug-associated suicide of a vulnerable young man in his twenties.
  • Re P: Representing an insurance company in an inquest touching the death of an elderly woman arising from a brain injury following a fatal road traffic collision.
  • Re S: Representing the family in an inquest dealing with the tragic death of a young woman who suffered a fatal stroke secondary to acute pyogenic meningitis which was not diagnosed upon her initial attendance at hospital.
  • Re A: An inquest involving two deaths following a high-speed road traffic collision with a motorcyclist.
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