Clerks Details
- Clerk Name: Edward Holdstock
- Clerk Telephone: 01962 868 884
- Clerk Email: [email protected]
- Clerk Name: David Snook
- Clerk Telephone: 01865 793 736
- Clerk Email: [email protected]
- Clerk Name: Jordon Gallifant
- Clerk Telephone: 020 7583 8055
- Clerk Email: [email protected]
James is an Accredited Mediator.
Recommendations James Trumble is ranked in Legal 500 2024/Police Law/ London Bar/Leading Juniors
'James is very good on his feet and has client empathy. He is also good on paper and in a quick turnaround.'
Legal 500 2024/Personal Injury/ South Eastern Circuit/Leading Juniors
‘James is extremely pleasant and courteous to the client, which is much appreciated.’
Legal 500 2023/Personal Injury/South Eastern Circuit
James Trumble is ranked in the Legal 500 2023/Police law (defendant)/Leading Juniors/London Bar edition.
‘A pragmatic barrister who is robust in cross-examination, and can be relied upon to get your case across.’
Legal 500 2022/Personal Injury/South Eastern Circuit
‘A measured and effective advocate. A quick thinking knowledgeable barrister who is never fazed by anything thrown his way at court.’
Legal 500 2022/Police law (defendant)/Leading Juniors/London Bar
‘A measured and effective advocate. A quick thinking knowledgeable barrister who is never fazed by anything thrown his way at court.’
Legal 500 2021/Police law (defendant)/Leading Juniors/London
‘He defends the police against misconduct allegations.'
Legal 500 2020/Police law (defendant)
‘Very knowledgeable in anti-social behaviour, and no matter what is thrown at him he has the right answer.’
Legal 500 2018/19/Police law (defendant)
‘He knows his subject extremely well and sees where a case is going before it even goes to court.’
Legal 500 2017/Police law (defendant)