Alex Hodge 560x670 1

Alex Hodge

Year of Call: 2009
Email Address: [email protected]
Telephone: 01865 793 736

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Clerk Details

  • Clerk Name: Robert Leonard
  • Clerk Telephone: 0330 332 0773
  • Clerk Email: [email protected]


Alex Hodge is a specialist family lawyer who accepts instructions in all areas of family law as well as in proceedings in the Court of Protection.

Alex is committed to providing the best possible service to his clients and is sensitive to the difficult issues which arise in the family courts.

Alex is committed to trying to achieve the best outcome for his clients, whether this is through negotiation in the early stages of proceedings or through contested hearings where matters are not agreed.


  • Family
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    Children Act Applications

    Alex’s main interest is in public and private law Children Act applications, where he has developed solid experience representing a diverse range of clients through all stages of proceedings.

    Public Law

    Alex is regularly instructed by Local Authorities, parents, children, extended family members and interveners in public law children matters at all stages of proceedings. In particular, he has experience of acting in the following circumstances:

    • Emergency contested applications where a Local Authority seeks the removal of a child.
    • Complex fact-finding hearings where sexual, physical or emotional abuse is alleged.
    • Cases where non-accidental injuries are suspected.
    • Cases concerning alleged neglect.
    • Contested Placement Order and Adoption Proceedings.
    • Special Guardianship and Wardship applications.
    • Cases with an international dimension.
    • Cases concerning parents or children with Special Educational Needs, cognitive impairment or capacity issues
    • Cases where drug and alcohol abuse or mental health concerns are a significant issue.
    • Secure Accommodation Orders.
    • Appeals.

    Private Law

    Alex is regularly instructed in Child Arrangement matters and endeavours to see cases from first appointment to final hearing. He is very sensitive to issues of domestic abuse and has been recommended by domestic abuse charities to represent vulnerable clients. He has solid experience in these matters including:

    • Intractable disputes between parents regarding where a child should live or how often they should see the parent they are not living with.
    • Fact finding hearings including where allegations of domestic violence and sexual or physical abuse are alleged.
    • Cases with significant social work involvement.
    • Case with an international dimension including relocation and abduction.
    • Appeals.


    Alex accepts instructions in financial claims following the breakdown of marriage and has experience of acting for clients at every stage of proceedings including contested final hearings.

    Private Remote FDR Hearings

    Alex is available for private remote FDR hearings. For more information on private remote FDR hearings please click here.

    Court of Protection

    Alex accepts instructions in Court of Protection matters concerning the welfare of people who lack capacity. He has experience of acting for local authorities, including at final hearings.

    Reported cases:

    GG (A Girl) & Anor. Re (2024) EWFC 101 (B) : Representing the applicant mother in a long running case about a refugee family, where findings of domestic abuse and alienating behaviours were made against the father with whom the children were living and whether the Court should order a s37 report to see if the local authority would issue care proceedings. This was against the recommendations of the Children’s Guardian. The Court decided a s37 report was required.

    E (A Child) Step-parent Adoption) [2022] EWFC B3 - represented a 17 year old girl in adoption proceedings where she was being asked to be adopted by her step-mother against her birth mother’s wishes.

    D (A Child : care proceedings - kinship placement no contact to father) [2020] EWFC B37 - represented a father in care proceedings which was complex because his child had a rare genetic disorder.

    Notable recent cases:

    Re V [2019]: Represented an intervenor in a 10 day fact finding hearing in care proceedings where his client was in a pool of perpetrators in relation to a skull fracture sustained by a 3 month old baby.

    Re C [2018]: Represented a client in care proceedings in a complex fact-finding hearing where the historic sexual abuse and rape of a child was alleged. The case involved complex and sensitive medical evidence, police evidence where there were significant issues with the ABE process and psychological evidence. In addition, the child was required to give evidence and questions prepared for his cross-examination.

    Re A [2018]: Represented a mother at a final hearing where the local authority were seeking to place a baby for adoption. Successfully argued that further assessment was necessary.

    Re W and Re S [2018]: Represented two different mothers in private law proceedings where they had alleged significant domestic violence. Successfully pursued findings on their behalf and dealt with the welfare issues that arose from the findings.

    Re W [2018]: Represented a father in a fact-finding hearing in private law proceedings where the mother made allegations domestic abuse and rape.

  • Recommendations

    ‘Alex is a hard-working and responsive barrister and a safe pair of hands. He is an effective advocate for all his clients and is thorough in case reading and presentation.’

    Legal 500 2025/Family: Children and Domestic Violence/Leading Juniors/South Eastern