Nick Robinson successfully defends four clients in four Crown Court trials in January 2024
6th February 2024

3PB's specialist criminal defence barrister Nick Robinson, pictured here, has successfully defended four different clients in four separate Crown Court trials during January 2024.
AC was unanimously acquitted of a Sexual Assault. AC was experiencing symptoms of bipolar disorder and paranoid schizophrenia. He was being pursued by a group of youths when he hid behind a tree in a public park. After a short time, AC approached a 7-year old girl, and asked for her help. The child’s mother witnessed this interaction, and alleged that AC cupped the child’s groin, which AC denied. She did not call the police; someone else at the scene called the emergency services because of an angry mob that attacked AC. Upon the police attending the scene, the child’s mother made a complaint. CCTV showed that she was further away from the interaction than as described in her statement, and that she physically confronted AC. Nick cross-examined her on the basis her account was unreliable. Nick was instructed just two days before the trial, and he was able to proceed to trial at such short notice due to the meticulously prepared brief by Stephanie Wheeler of Hill Twine Solicitors.
Nick defended DH who was unanimously acquitted by a jury of an alleged Racially Aggravated Assault, Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm (ABH). The prosecution case was that DH lost his temper during a neighbourly dispute, and punched the complainant ten times thereby causing a displaced incisor, and bruises and scratches to the body and face. Whilst doing so, he allegedly uttered racial slurs about the complainant’s nationality. An apparently independent neighbour witnessed the incident, and told police that he heard the racial slurs. It was DH’s case that he punched the complainant once in self-defence, and made no racial comments. Following Nick’s cross-examination it was demonstrated that the complainant and eyewitness were friends, the complainant had a motive to lie, and his tooth was already loose due to gum disease. Nick was instructed by Mark Hensleigh of Preston Redman Solicitors.
Nick defended HAR who was alleged to have committed a Sexual Assault against a 15-year old girl during a Jazz Festival. The prosecution case was that HAR was walking alongside the complainant when he grabbed her bottom, pulled her into a driveway and tried to kiss her. The complainant was immediately distressed and reported it to adults at a nearby theatre. The prosecution relied upon the evidence of the complainant’s friend who witnessed the incident. HAR answered questions in interview, and denied touching the complainant in any way, which he repeated at trial. Nick cross-examined the complainant and her friend before the trial in accordance with the section 28 procedure. HAR relied upon inconsistencies in the witnesses’ evidence. The jury returned an unanimous not guilty verdict. Nick was instructed by Laura McQueen of Hurley’s Solicitors.
Nick represented HR at his trial in respect of an alleged offence of Wounding. At the start of the trial Nick successfully opposed the prosecution applications to admit the hearsay evidence of the complainant’s statements recorded in a 999 call, and in police officers’ body worn video recordings. Following legal argument before HHJ William Mousley KC, the evidence was excluded, and following a case review, the Crown Prosecution Service offered no evidence, and HR was found not guilty. Nick was instructed by Laura McQueen of Hurley’s Solicitors.
If you wish to instruct Nick, or see about his availability, please contact his clerks Stuart Pringle on [email protected] or Lauren Shawyer on [email protected]; or by calling them on 01962 868884.