Charlotte Hadfield successful in High Court judicial review
2nd June 2021

3PB’s specialist education and regulatory law barrister Charlotte Hadfield (pictured here) was successful in a recent judicial review challenge against Nottinghamshire County Council, in a case brought under s42 of the Children and Families Act 2014 whilst acting for the parents.
The High Court Judgment, which was handed down on the 20th May 2021, is already a “must-read” for those lawyers practising in the field of education law as it includes some helpful and insightful comments on a local authority's duty to "secure" special educational provision, if the council commissioned it, planned to deliver it but haven’t, in circumstances where the EHC plan had been in force for nearly a year.
Charlotte Hadfield is passionate about education and enjoys a wide and varied practice covering the full spectrum of education law and related regulatory law. She is regularly instructed on behalf of parents, young people, students, schools, academies, HE providers, local authorities, universities and Early Years and Child Care providers/practitioners.
To instruct Charlotte on a matter relating to this or any other matter, please email her on [email protected] or contact her clerk Tom Cox on [email protected] or by calling 0117 928 1520.