3PB celebrates the launch of the 5th edition of 'Millington and Sutherland Williams on the Proceeds of Crime'

20th March 2018

3PB's public and regulatory team are proud to announce the publication of the fifth edition of 'Millington and Sutherland Williams on the Proceeds of Crime' (published by Oxford University Press).  The book is a leading practitioner text on all aspects of restraint, confiscation and civil recovery of the proceeds of crime.  It has been fully updated to cover the recent Money Laundering Regulations of 2017 and Criminal Finances Act 2017, including explanation of new measures such as Unexplained Wealth Orders.

Members of Chambers played a key role in its production:  the book was edited by Judge Mark Sutherland Williams (a former member) and Rupert Jones (current member).  Deputy Head of Chambers, Sheena Cassidy, and Mathew Gullick contributed important chapters to the text.

It can be purchased from all good bookshops.