Thomas Acworth succeeds against QC in Shotgun Licence Appeal

2nd January 2020

Thomas Acworth was instructed by the Chief Constable of Surrey Police to resist H’s appeal against the revocation of his shotgun certificate.

H, the former head of HR at one of the world’s largest financial institutions, instructed a notable QC (a former circuit leader) to represent him.  The appeal focused on concerns about H’s mental health following the demise of a relationship.  H relied on a psychiatric reports in support of his position.

Following Thomas’ cross-examination, the court was satisfied that H had failed to disclose key information to the psychiatrist and had downplayed his mental health difficulties to a significant extent.  H’s appeal was dismissed and he was ordered to pay the entirety of the Chief Constable’s costs.

Click here to view Thomas Acworth's profile.Thomas AcworthCall: 2014