3PB barrister becomes His Majesty's Solicitor General

8th December 2023

3PB (3 Paper Buildings) barrister Robert Courts MPRobert Courts KCCall: 2003Silk: 2024 has been appointed HM's Solicitor General for England and Wales. Robert has been MP for Witney since 2016 and replaces fellow 3PB alumnus Michael Tomlinson KC MP, who moves to the Home Office to be a Minister of State.

Robert was called to the Bar in 2003 and is a door tenant (non-working/associate member) at 3 Paper Buildings, where he practiced in personal injury/clinical negligence and public and regulatory law.

The Solicitor General and Attorney General, who are generally be drawn from the ranks of MPs, are required to be experienced lawyers, capable of being the chief legal advisers of the Government and of Parliament.

3PB currently has four former members of chambers serving as MP's in the UK parliament - with Guy Opperman MPGuy OppermanCall: 1989 and Sarah Dines MPSarah DinesCall: 1988 joining Robert and Michael.

To read the full announcement on gov.uk about the appointment, click here.