46 barristers at 3PB ranked in Chambers & Partners 2021 UK Bar directory
22nd October 2020

The 2021 Chambers and Partners legal directory - which ranks and rates barristers and solicitors based on independent research by the publisher and direct feedback from clients - has given 46 3PB barristers rankings in this year's guide, across 16 different practice areas. This includes two new group rankings for Family (Children) and Family (Matrimonial Finance) teams in the Midlands and new ratings for Chancery in the Midlands as well as Planning Law in the West and Inquests/Public Inquiries in the Regions.
Chambers and Partners’ review of 3PB includes: " The clerks always provide an absolutely amazing service – they're always going out of their way to help us”.; “the clerking team really go the extra mile for their clients;" “The clerks work well as a team and give second-to-none customer service; and "The set is very well run and the clerks are all experienced”.
Read more from Chambers and Partners here.