• people news header 1

      January Employment Law Newsletter Out Now

      Welcome to 3PB’s January 2025 Employment and Discrimination Law newsletter. Grace Nicholls is this month’s editor, and case analysis and legal tips were prepared by Grace, Katherine Anderson, Daniel Brown, Jo Laxton and Emma Greening on the following cases:
      - Abel Estate Agent Limited and ors v Reynolds [2025] EAT 6
      - HSBC Bank PLC v Chevalier-Firescu [2024] EWCA Civ 1550
      - Kaler v Insights ESC Ltd [2024] EAT 195
      - Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council v Christine Oliver [2024] EAT 193

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    • Christmas 2024 website

      December Employment Law Newsletter Out Now

      Welcome to 3PB’s final Employment and Discrimination Law newsletter for 2024. Edited by Jo Laxton, it features analysis from Ben Amunwa, Alex Leonhardt and Emma Greening on the following cases:
      - Connor v Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police [2024] EAT 175
      - Shakil v Samons Limited [2024] EAT 192
      - L v The Commissioners for His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs [2024] UKFTT 001044 (TC)
      We thank all our clients and contacts for their support throughout 2024 and wish you all our best wishes for 2025.

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    • Employment law newsletter

      Employment and discrimination newsletter - February 2024

      Welcome to 3PB's employment law newsletter, edited by Craig Ludlow. We celebrate Matthew Curtis’ appointment as part-time Deputy District Judge. This month our newsletter includes analysis from Craig, Sarah Clarke and Jo Laxton on the following cases: Hargreaves v (1) Evolve Housing & Support (2) Mr Simon McGrath; Jones v The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care EA-2022-000744-JOJ; and Bauhaus Educational Services Limited v Elemide [2023] EAT 161.
      Mark Green follows up an important change in the law since his £350,000 win in the associative indirect discrimination case of Follows. S19A Equality Act 2010 expressly permits such claims and therefore provides important clarity for carers and others who may suffer indirect discrimination by association.

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    • employment law newsletter

      Employment and discrimination newsletter - August 2023

      Welcome to the August 2023 edition of our employment and discrimination law newsletter, edited by Alex Leonhardt, with analysis and contributions from Alex Leonhardt, Jo Laxton, Sarah Clarke, Stephen Wyeth and Emma Greening.

      Case analysis covers the following cases: Jackson v The University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust [2023] EAT 102; Charalambous v National Bank of Greece [2023] EAT 75; Pilkington v Jones [2023] EAT 90; United Taxis Ltd v (1) Mr R Comolly (2) Mr R Tidman - and - Mr R Tidman v (1) United Taxis Ltd v (2) Mr R Comolly [2023] EAT 93; and Mrs R Kealy v Westfield Community Development Association [2023] EAT 96.

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    • Employment and discrimination newsletter - 50th edition

      Employment and discrimination newsletter: our 50th! - July 2023

      Welcome to the 50th edition of our employment and discrimination law newsletter, edited by Simon Tibbitts and featuring team news with contributions from head of group Craig Ludlow, Jo Laxton, Colin McDevitt, Stephen Wyeth and Alex Leonhardt.

      Case analysis is provided by Simon Tibbitts, Katherine Anderson, Joseph England and Alex Leonhardt and covers the following cases: Mrs Kristie Higgs v Farmor’s School (The Archbishop’s Council of the Church of England intervening) EA-2020-000896-JOJ; Phipps v Priory Education Services Ltd [2023] EWCA Civ 652; Greasley-Adams v Royal Mail Group Limited [2023] EAT 86 and Mrs N Moustache v Chelsea and Westminster NHS Foundation Trust: [2022] EAT 204.

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    • Bunting

      Employment and Discrimination newsletter - May 2023

      Jo Laxton edits this month's employment and discrimination newsletter which sees Head of 3PB's Employment and Discrimination Law team Craig Ludlow analysing HHJ Kalyany Kaul KC v (1) Ministry of Justice (2) The Lord Chancellor (3) The Lord Chief Justice [2023] EAT 41, Mark Green considers Williamson v The Bishop of London and others [2023] EWCA Civ 379, Daniel Brown reviews Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Limited v Clark & Others [2023] EWCA (Civ) 386, Alex Leonhardt analyses Mr J Edward v Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust [2023] EAT 33, and Emma Greening reviews Rolec (Electrical and Mechanical Services) Ltd v Mrs J Georgiou [2023] EAT 46.

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    • CL JL

      Craig Ludlow and Jo Laxton write for the ELA Briefing

      3PB Barristers’ (3 Paper Buildings) Craig Ludlow and Jo Laxton have written for the January/February 2023 issue of ELA Briefing. Craig Ludlow, head of 3PB’s Employment and Discrimination Law Team, has written a detailed book review of the ‘concise and comprehensive’ “Putting Human Rights to Work: Labour Law, The ECHR, and The Employment Relation” by Philippa Collins, offering commentary on the book's format, contents and importance to barristers, solicitors and academics alike. Appearing alongside Craig’s book...

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    • Simon Astill

      Five 3PB pupil barristers become tenants

      3 Paper Buildings (3PB Barristers) has announced that five of its current pupils - former general counsel Jo Laxton (Employment & Discrimination) and four 12-month pupils: Rachel Bale (Commercial/Property & Estates), Olivia McGonigle (Crime), Oliver Hirsch (Crime/Personal Injury/Animal Welfare) and Robert Dawson (Construction/Commercial) - have become tenants following their successful pupillages at the national chambers. 3PB Chief Executive Simon Astill, pictured here, said: “We welcome these five pupils as new tenants and junior counsel across...

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    • Our September 2022 employment law newsletter is out now!

      Welcome to September's employment law newsletter The world of employment has not sat still in the last month: our news section advertises encouraging results for the 4-day week trial currently conducted in the UK; a consultation on the tax status of remote and hybrid workers; a new CIPD report on Employer Focus on Working Parents; the government's launch of the Scale-up visa scheme, and the opening of a consultation on process for public sector exit payments....

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    • Our August 2022 employment law newsletter is out now!

      The past 30 days have provided much for the employment law world to write about, starting with the success of 3PB’s Mathew Gullick QC, Lachlan Wilson and Naomi Webber in the Supreme Court in The Harper Trust v Brazel case; and Mathew Gullick QC earning the accolade of the Times’ “Lawyer of the Week” in the process.

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    • Employment law newsletter now available - July 2022

      July's employment law newsletter from 3PB Barristers features news of the first instance case of Burke v Turning Point Scotland in which long-Covid is identified as a disability; analysis of Tribunal Statistics for the quarter January to March 2022 and provides an update on those health professionals now able to provide sick notes. There's also a round-up of the very latest case analysis from members and our pupil.

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    • April 2022 employment law newsletter out now!

      Welcome to April's employment law newsletter In the April edition of our employment law newsletter, we welcome Craig Ludlow's appointment to the Editorial Board of the Employment Lawyers Assocation (UK) Briefing magazine; report on the Fifth Addendum to the ET Presidential Guidance on awards for injury to feelings and psychiatric injury and other statutory increases to compensation from 6 April; and consider the ET's roadmap for how Employment Tribunal hearings will be conducted over 2022...

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