• July 2024 3PB education law newsletter

      Education law newsletter - July 2024

      Jim Hirschmann edits the 11th edition of our education law newsletter, packed full with team news, awards, book launches, events and analysis from our barristers Charlotte Hadfield, Lachlan Wilson, John Friel, Alice de Coverley, Matthew Wyard, Emma Waldron, Alex Leonhardt, Caroline Stone, Mark Green, Sunyana Sharma, Katherine Anderson, Ben Amunwa and Rosa Thomas, to name a few.

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    • July 2024 employment law newsletter

      July Employment Law newsletter - out now!

      Welcome to 3PB's July 2024 employment law newsletter, edited by Naomi Webber. We are delighted to announce that Liz McGrath KC has become our Head of Chambers. David Parratt KC (Scot) takes on the role of Deputy Head of Chambers. Our many congratulations to them!
      Our newsletter reflects on Labour’s General Election victory and provides analysis from Ben Amunwa, Robin Pickard, Grace Holden, Daniel Brown, Alex Leonhardt and Emma Greening on the following cases:
      - Adekoya & Ors v Heathrow Express Operating Company Ltd [2024] EAT 72
      - Parmar v Leicester City Council [2024] EAT 85
      - Ballerino v The Racecourse Association Ltd [2024] EAT 98
      - NSL Ltd v Mr P Zaluski [2024] EAT 86
      - Christopher Watson v Wallwork Nelson Johnson & Anor [2024] EAT 105
      - Boohene & Others v The Royal Parks Ltd [2024] EWCA Civ 583

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    • Employment and discrimination law newsletter January 2024

      Employment and discrimination newsletter - January 2024

      Welcome to our January 2024 employment and discrimination law newsletter, edited by Grace Holden. This month our newsletter includes analysis from Grace, Colin McDevitt, Naomi Webber and Alex Leonhardt on the following cases: Leaney v Loughborough University [2023] EAT 155; Kingswood Learning and Leisure Group Limited EA-2022-000902-JOJ; The Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia (Cultural Bureau) v Ms Alhayali [2023] EAT 149; and an analysis of the changes to the annual leave entitlement and holiday pay of part-year and irregular hours workers.

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    • Employment and discrimination law newsletter - November 2023

      Employment and discrimination newsletter - November 2023

      Welcome to our November 2023 employment and discrimination law newsletter, in which we celebrate more rankings in the latest Chambers and Partners edition and call for applications for talented employment law barristers to join our team. Edited by Charlotte Hadfield, our newsletter features analysis from Charlotte, Head of Group Craig Ludlow and Alex Leonhardt - covering the following cases: Omar v Epping Forest District Citizens Advice (EA-2021-000595-JOJ), Steel v Spencer Road LLP [2023] EWHC 2492 (Ch), ONEA v Contingent and Future Technologies Ltd [2023] EAT 125, and Virgin Active Ltd v Hughes [2023] EAT 130.

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    • compass data header

      Employment and discrimination newsletter - October 2023

      Welcome to the 53rd Newsletter from 3PB’s Employment and Discrimination Group edited by Stephen Wyeth, celebrating our Specialist Group being ranked Tier 1 in both the Western and South Eastern circuits by the Legal 500 due to our expertise in this field of law.

      Thanks to our contributors: Karen Moss (Group Deputy Head), Rising Star (Legal 500) Grace Nicholls, Alex Leonhardt, Joseph England and Andrew MacPhail and first rate commentary from Mathew Gullick KC on the very recent Supreme Court decision of Agnew. Given that Mathew successfully appeared for Mrs Brazel in the Supreme Court (supported by our very own Lachlan Wilson and Naomi Webber) who better to provide his take on this most recent decision involving holiday pay?

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    • employment law newsletter

      Employment and discrimination newsletter - August 2023

      Welcome to the August 2023 edition of our employment and discrimination law newsletter, edited by Alex Leonhardt, with analysis and contributions from Alex Leonhardt, Jo Laxton, Sarah Clarke, Stephen Wyeth and Emma Greening.

      Case analysis covers the following cases: Jackson v The University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust [2023] EAT 102; Charalambous v National Bank of Greece [2023] EAT 75; Pilkington v Jones [2023] EAT 90; United Taxis Ltd v (1) Mr R Comolly (2) Mr R Tidman - and - Mr R Tidman v (1) United Taxis Ltd v (2) Mr R Comolly [2023] EAT 93; and Mrs R Kealy v Westfield Community Development Association [2023] EAT 96.

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    • Employment and discrimination newsletter - 50th edition

      Employment and discrimination newsletter: our 50th! - July 2023

      Welcome to the 50th edition of our employment and discrimination law newsletter, edited by Simon Tibbitts and featuring team news with contributions from head of group Craig Ludlow, Jo Laxton, Colin McDevitt, Stephen Wyeth and Alex Leonhardt.

      Case analysis is provided by Simon Tibbitts, Katherine Anderson, Joseph England and Alex Leonhardt and covers the following cases: Mrs Kristie Higgs v Farmor’s School (The Archbishop’s Council of the Church of England intervening) EA-2020-000896-JOJ; Phipps v Priory Education Services Ltd [2023] EWCA Civ 652; Greasley-Adams v Royal Mail Group Limited [2023] EAT 86 and Mrs N Moustache v Chelsea and Westminster NHS Foundation Trust: [2022] EAT 204.

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    • Alex Leonhardt

      Alex Leonhardt in protected belief case brought on the basis of English nationalism

      Specialist 3PB employment and discrimination law barrister Alex Leonhardt represented the successful respondent, the Open University, in a case brought by a former employee on the basis of alleged discrimination against him because of his English nationalist beliefs in Cave v The Open University. On a determination of the preliminary issue of whether Mr Cave’s beliefs were protected under the Equality Act 2010, the judge determined that those beliefs were an ethno-centric form of nationalism...

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    • Bunting

      Employment and Discrimination newsletter - May 2023

      Jo Laxton edits this month's employment and discrimination newsletter which sees Head of 3PB's Employment and Discrimination Law team Craig Ludlow analysing HHJ Kalyany Kaul KC v (1) Ministry of Justice (2) The Lord Chancellor (3) The Lord Chief Justice [2023] EAT 41, Mark Green considers Williamson v The Bishop of London and others [2023] EWCA Civ 379, Daniel Brown reviews Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Limited v Clark & Others [2023] EWCA (Civ) 386, Alex Leonhardt analyses Mr J Edward v Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust [2023] EAT 33, and Emma Greening reviews Rolec (Electrical and Mechanical Services) Ltd v Mrs J Georgiou [2023] EAT 46.

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    • March 2023 Employment and Discrimination newsletter out now!

      Welcome to March's newsletter  Spring into March with the newsletter from 3PB Employment and Discrimination barristers. The group have been busy analysing and discussing a vast range of cases: Alex Leonhardt looks at the case of Earl Shilton Town Council v Miller, in which the EAT considered the application of direct discrimination in circumstances where both staff of both sexes shared nominally the same toilet facilities. Grace Nicholls looks at how the absence of a bounce...

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    • February 2023 employment and discrimination newsletter out now!

        Welcome to February's newsletter  February brings you a bumper issue of the 3PB Employment and discrimination newsletter! The group have been busy analysing and discussing a vast range of cases: Andrew MacPhail looks at the case of Ellis v Bacon and Advanced Fire Solutions Ltd [2022], in which an appeal was allowed by the EAT against the original Employment Tribunal’s ruling that an employee was discriminated against due to her marital status. The counsel team for...

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    • Employment law newsletter - December 2022

      Items include a look at the increase to the National Minimum Wage due in April 2023, new legislation allowing employees to request flexible working from day one in a job, as well as two proposed bills - the Carer's Leave Bill and the Protection from Redundancy (Pregnancy and Family Leave) Bill, and a look at The Exclusivity Terms for Zero Hours Workers (Unenforceability and Redress) Regulations 2022.
      Analysis includes Nexus v RMT & Unite the Union [2022] EWCA Civ 1408, Mr J Hilaire v Luton Borough Council [2022] EAT 166, and how employers can protect themselves during Christmas party season.

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