Graham Gilbert appears in first Court of Appeal decision on Knives Act 1997 (section 1)

8th November 2021

Graham Gilbert

3PB crime and regulatory barrister Graham Gilbert appeared before the Court of Appeal in R v STC LIMITED [2021] EWCA Crim 1237 in July 2021 representing three parties charged with offences under section 1 Knives Act 1997 (unlawful marketing of the items).

The Court noted that, in its extensive experience, it had never been required to consider this piece of legislation previously. The matter is of particular note as, in coming to its decision, the Court has made it plain that the legislation may be engaged quite simply. This may have a considerable chilling impact on the sale of such items.

Click here to read the full judgment.

To instruct Graham Gilbert (pictured here), please contact his clerk Stuart Pringle on [email protected] or by calling him on 01962 868884.