Thomas Acworth acts for serving Grenadier Guard in serial sweetheart frauds

4th March 2021

Thomas Acworth

3PB’s specialist crime barrister Thomas AcworthThomas AcworthCall: 2014 (pictured here) acted for Lance Corporal (LCpl) Nathan Walker, a serving soldier in the 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards. LCpl Walker pleaded guilty to defrauding three vulnerable women he met on dating apps in order to finance his gambling addiction.

There was some dispute between the prosecution and the defence about the overall value of the frauds. When passing sentence, HHJ Miller QC valued the fraud on the basis of the defence submissions, nearly £20,000 less than the figure put forward by the prosecution, and commented that LCpl Walker had been represented ‘very ably’ by Mr. Acworth.

The case has been widely reported in the national press, including this feature in The Daily Mail.

To instruct Thomas AcworthThomas AcworthCall: 2014 on a matter relating to this or any other criminal law matter, please contact his clerk Stuart Pringle on [email protected].