Cheryl Jones and Jack Felvus on the clear drafting of Wills
22nd January 2024

3PB's Cheryl Jones, a specialist traditional chancery and commercial barrister, and Jack Felvus, one of 3PB's pupil barristers, have co-authored an article about Will-writing for LexisNexis PSL (Private Client) which Lexis accountholders can now access here.
The article, entitled “A limitation lacuna, mortgages and the importance of clear Will drafting,” analyses the decision of HHJ Matthews, sitting as a Judge of the High Court in the Chancery Division, in the case of Pierce and Another v Barton and Another [2023] EWHC 3016 (Ch).
The article gives practical advice about the construction of wills and the issue of ambiguous clauses under s21(1)(c) Administration of Justice Act 1982, and considers the application of s17 and s20 Limitation Act 1980 for private client lawyers when contesting and changing Wills and advising their clients about the prospects of this.
If you wish to contact either barrister about this article or issues of contested Wills, please email or call their clerks Dave Fielder on [email protected]/020 7583 8055 or Lauren Shawyer on [email protected]/01962 868884.