3 Paper Buildings (3PB) welcomes three new pupil barristers to its 270-strong barrister ranks today
3rd April 2024

The three new pupil barristers starting their twelve-month pupillages with 3PB in April 2024, pictured left to right, are: former TV presenter and broadcaster Anthony Miller who will be focusing on commercial and civil litigation; former Irwin Mitchell in-house advocate Jeremy Warner who will be focusing on personal injury and clinical negligence and former law firm paralegal Zahra Tierney who will be focusing on property law (particularly residential landlord and tenant issues), commercial law and civil litigation.
These pupils will receive 3PB's annual award and guaranteed earnings of £40,000; and this new cohort will be joined by three additional pupil barristers in October. The full-service national chambers with six UK offices and twelve specialist practice areas now recruits six pupil barristers every year - and is currently interviewing for its 2025 intake.
Simon Astill, 3PB’s Chief Executive, commented that: “These are, once again, outstanding new pupil barristers. In 3PB, they are joining a booming set with record financial results and I know will enjoy the friendly collegiate environment and top level clerking and support here, and will get a level of on-the-job and advocacy training that is second to none."