Oliver Nunn delivers advocacy training for the MOJ’s Housing Loss Prevention Advice Service providers
22nd November 2024

Oliver Nunn teamed up with Browne Jacobson’s Leah Jones, Naomi De Silva and Samantha Harms to deliver in Cardiff on 21 November a day’s training for the Ministry of Justice Housing Loss Prevention Advice Service providers, as part of the HLPAS Support Service.
While Samantha Harms considered the benefits of embedding O Shaped values in working practices, Oliver Nunn provided a legal update, an analysis of current trends in possession work in the County Court and advocacy training, including giving the providers tools to help them reflect on and develop their advocacy moving forward.
Oliver looks forward to delivering a similar session in London on 12 December 2024.
Oliver Nunn is a specialist property law barrister with a busy practice covering landlord and tenant disputes in the private residential and social housing sectors, agricultural tenancies and commercial leases. He is highly rated as a property and social housing barrister by both Chambers UK and Legal 500. For more information, please contact his clerk, Sam Collins.