3PB's Personal Injury Law team updates you on some important decisions.

14th November 2016

3PB Personal Injury Law team's latest Newsletter updates you on some important decisions that took place while our screens were dominated with American politics. We are also very pleased to welcome a new member of staff, Charlie Samuel-hill who joins the PI Clerking team in London.

Andrew Perfect brings you up to speed on the implications of Gentry v Miller in which the Court of Appeal confirmed that the Denton criteria is to be used when making an application to set aside judgment under CPR 13.3.  Click here to view the full article.

Michelle Marnham considers the question of when a claim is brought for the purpose of limitation following on from the recent decision of Dixon v Radley House PartnershipClick here to view the full article.

Colin McDevitt summarises a recent High Court decision which serves as a reminder to practitioners to not leave amendments to pleadings until the last minute. Click here to view the full article.

Finally, Edward Ross provides an update on Bird v Acorn. Click here to view the full article.